Shell HR Dept celebrated D&I (Diversity and Inclusiveness) Day at Shell House on 9th March 2007, on that occassion a 3 hour event was planned at Shell House Audotorium, i woke up in the morning around 7:30 an thaught the event to be a bore (speech, presentation) one and decided yo go abck to bed and sleep for 2 more hours again, soon i started recievin calls from collegues to reach the audotorium as soon as possible, i woke up got ready and left home, when i reached Shell house, it was completely a diff. sight, with six colorful teams participating in different games (solely entertaining) in diff get ups :) , i got into team named "Pakistan Peacocks" and started participatin, each team had to complete Six tasks simultenaously and were to be scored in each one, the final result was then prepared by combining the 6 scores from each activity. in the end team finished joined 3rd.
wanna see some pictures ?, i wanna show some (pictures i mean :P )

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